Dear PEEM and NanoESCA users, dear interested colleagues!
You are cordially invited to attend our 8th FOCUS PEEM Workshop, which will be held in an online format jointly by FOCUS GmbH and Scienta Omicron GmbH on June 16th and 17th, 2021.

To allow a participation from all time zones, we will split the workshop in a block of two 5 hours morning sessions (16th & 17th, 08:00 – 13:00 CEST*) and a block of two 5 hours evening session (16th & 17th, 16:00 – 21:00 CEST*).
The morning sessions and the evening sessions will have the same content. While European attendees may choose either of these blocks, the morning sessions are timewise more suited for Asian/Pacific attendees and the evening blocks for American attendees. Please indicate in the registration form, which block you will prefer.
*CEST = Central European Summer Time, e.g. the morning session will go from 03:00 p.m. – 08:00 p.m. in Tokyo time and the evening session will go from 07:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in San Francisco time.
The registration is now closed (was open until June 12th, 2021). The workshop fee is 58,- Eur (incl. VAT).
Workshop Schedule
Please find the preliminary schedule for the workshop. Click on the image to open it full size. We will use ZOOM Meetings as conference platform. Depending on your session choice during your registration you will get an individual link to join either the morning or the evening sessions. If you need to change your choice, just contact the organizers.
Morning Sessions
Evening Sessions
Invited Speakers
The highlights of the workshop will be the invited talks of our Guest Speakers, who are all leading scientists in Photoemission Microscopy research, covering a broad expertise ranging from Time-Resolved PEEM over high resolution Imaging XPS to Momentum Microscopy. We gratefully welcome:
- Nick Barrett / CEA-Saclay, France (Abstract & Preview Video)
- Neil Fox / University of Bristol, UK (Abstract & Preview Video)
- Takuo Ohkochi / JASRI, Spring-8, Japan (Abstract & Preview Video)
- Olivier Renault / CEA-LETI, France (Abstract & Preview Video)
- Benjamin Stadtmüller / TU Kaiserslautern, Germany (Abstract & Preview Video)
Please click on the “Abstract & Preview Video” Links to get an overview of the topics presented by each speaker!
Instrument Training
The workshop is addressed to all researchers who are interested both in PEEM and NanoESCA / Momentum Microscopy and its techniques and capabilities or are already working with such kind of instruments and are interested to improve theory and working practices. In our technical sessions we will give insights into
- Basic Electron Optics of Photoemission Electron Microscopes
- Energy-Filtering for Photoemission Electron Microscopy
- 2D Imaging Spin-Filter for Microscopy
- Data Handling and Practical Hints
We will combine this valuable theoretical background with practice-oriented Live Sessions on two different instruments in our factory:
- Optimizing Electron Optics of a PEEM
- From Real- to Momentum-Space: Micro-ARPES with NanoESCA
Meet & Greet
A distinct intention of this online workshop is to motivate a strong exchange of mutual interests and future ideas for collaborations in the field of Photoemission and Surface Science.

A total of 84 international attendees have registered to the workshop, taking the chance to learn more about the instruments, the science you can do with it and to ask questions. We will use ZOOM Meetings as platform for this workshop.
We will have time for open discussions during the workshop, but would also ask participants to share their current work in form of “Poster Talks” with the audience. We will have time for 12 of such Mini-presentations (approximately 5 min presentation / 5 min discussion). If you would like to take the chance to present some of your work, please let us know in the registration form, too.
We are looking forward to meeting you soon!
Your FOCUS PEEM Workshop Team