We are back from this year’s LEEM PEEM conference in Montréal, which is the key meeting for scientific low electron and photoemission electron microscopy. We presented the new MARIS version of our time-of-flight microscope and the latest developments of our Imaging Spin-Filter. Besides that we enjoyed the great talks and fantastic results of the scientific community, the flawless organization by the team of Université de Montréal around Richard Martel and the beautiful city of Montréal. Special thanks to Iulia Cojocariu of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste for her instructive tutorial “(Spin- and) Momentum-resolved electronic properties of hybrid interfaces”.
The next LEEM PEEM meeting will take place in Japan in two years. We are looking forward to meeting everyone again there, together with many new microscopy users!
More info about the conference: https://www.physics.mcgill.ca/leempeem13/