FOCUS and FOCUS electronics are working in a close partnership as sistered and owner-managed German companies.
FOCUS is situated in Hünstetten, only 30 min drive away from Frankfurt airport.
FOCUS electronics has its facilities in the City of Leipzig, one of the industrial east German nuclei.
Since the foundation of FOCUS in 1990 (FOCUS electronics in 2001), a highly educated and motivated team of physicists and engineers in co-operation with external partners ensures that FOCUS and FOCUS electronics products always meet the latest demands of science and the high technology branches in long term.

The scientific instruments of the FOCUS product range includes electron beam evaporators, electron energy analyzers, electron spin detectors and a whole family of photo emission electron microscopes as the patented NanoESCA (or Momentum Microscope) , an energy dispersive microscope to image photo electrons.
FOCUS products have so far been used mainly for industrial and institutional research and development, as well as for quality management.
For the most part, both companies maintain a strong collaboration with different universities and research institutes, thereby ensuring that our products always meet the latest demands of the high technology branches in the long term.
A number of patents and continuous further development of all products ensures and maintains the competitive edge of the company.
With their sound foundation and initiated by a co-operation with an academic partner as a starting point together with a long experience in the development and construction of electron beam devices, FOCUS and FOCUS electronics have entered the field of electron beam welding in 2007 and have firmly established themselves since then with the micro electron beam welder MEBW-60.
Together with the recently introduced micro laser beam welder LaVa this forms today our power beam branch.
All products are developed, manufactured and tested in-house. This holds for the physical vacuum components, the electron optical components (FOCUS) as well as the related electronics and software(FOCUS electronics). In Leipzig the special emphasize is set on software development and intelligent control concepts to combine ease of use with most recent technology.
In Leipzig we are developing and manufacturing electronics hardware and dedicated software both for the scientific instruments and the high power applications like e-beam welding.
Neukirchner Str. 2
D-65510 Hünstetten
phone: +49 6126 4014 0
fax: +49 6126 4014 10
How to find us
By car:
Motorway A3, leave at junction “Idstein/Ts.“, take the road to Görsroth, pass Görsroth turn left onto B417. On the B417 turn left at the next trafic lights. Take the first exit on the next roundabout. FOCUS is on the right hand side near to the next roundabout.
By train:
Go to Railway station Idstein/Ts. & hire a Taxi or ask us for pick up (8 minutes by car).
By airplane:
Go to Airport Frankfurt/Main, hire a taxi or ask us for pick up (it´s about half an hour by car), or you take the train to Frankfurt/Hbf. and change there to a train to Idstein/Ts.
FOCUS electronics GmbH
Naumburger Straße 28
D-04229 Leipzig
phone: +49 341 47834 40
fax: +49 341 47834 49
How to find us
In the next future you can meet us there.