Ag (100)
Momentum Microscope
(NanoESCA with k-space optics):
Ag(100) and unfocused VUV source
The following example represents one of the first k-space image sequences taken in 2010 on Ag(100) in two different energy bands with the Momentum Microscope (NanoESCA) and the (non-focused) VUV source FOCUS HIS13 in the lab. Please compare with recent sequences we took on Ag(111) with our newly developed small spot VUV source FOCUS HIS13/SS.
The energies shown are related to the fermi level.
Watch & enjoy:
Ag d-band
14.0eV – 18.0eV (HeI excitation, HIS 13), FOV 50µm,
81x50meV steps,
30s acq. time/image –> 41 minutes
(Olivier Renault & Nils Weber, Jan 2010, LETI, Grenoble)
Ag sp-band
17.8eV – 22.0eV (HeI excitation, HIS 13), FOV 50µm,
85x50meV steps,
50s acq. time/image –> 71 minutes
(Olivier Renault & Nils Weber, Jan 2010, LETI, Grenoble)
The NanoESCA is distributed by our sales partner Scienta Omicron. Please contact them for more informations.