All About Electrons

Instruments for Electron Spectroscopy
and Surface Analysis


Scientific Instruments


Next Generation Photoemission Tool for Real- and Momentum Microscopy.


Time of Flight – Momentum and Real Space Imaging Spectroscopy

Other PEEMs

Photoemission Electron Microscope with various types of energy filter for real space- and momentum microscopy.

Spin Analysis

Electron polarisation detectors based on electron scattering at different single crystals/epitactic thin films.

Photon Sources

Vacuum Ultra Violet and Mercury light sources for photoelectron spectroscopy and photoemission electron microscopy.

Ion Sources

Focused hot filament Ion sources for ultra clean sample preparation and XPS/Auger depth profiling.

EFM Evaporators

Electron beam evaporator in various configurations for ultra clean thin film and sub monolayer deposition under UHV conditions for surface science.

Power Beam Welding

High-Precision Power Beam Processes

Electron Beam Welding and Laser-in-Vacuum Welding Machines


Meet Us

About Us

FOCUS and FOCUS electronics are working in a close partnership as sistered and owner-managed German companies.

FOCUS is situated in Hünstetten, only 30 min drive away from Frankfurt airport.

FOCUS electronics has its facilities in the City of Leipzig, one of the industrial east German nuclei.

Since the foundation of FOCUS in 1990 (FOCUS electronics in 2001), a highly educated and motivated team of physicists and engineers in co-operation with external partners ensures that FOCUS and FOCUS electronics products always meet the latest demands of science and the high technology branches in long term.

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Get in touch with us!

+49 6126 4014-0

Neukirchner Str. 2, 65510 Huenstetten, Germany